Sample manual installation

The NSS build system does not include a target to install header files and shared libraries in the system directories, so this needs to be done manually.

After building NSS with “gmake nss_build_all”, the resulting build can be found in the NSS source tree as follows:

  • NSS header files: mozilla/dist/public/nss

  • NSPR header files: mozilla/dist/<OBJ-DIR>/include

  • NSPR/NSS shared libs: mozilla/dist/<OBJ-DIR>/lib

  • NSS binary executables: mozilla/dist/<OBJ-DIR>/bin.

where <OBJ-DIR> would vary according to the type of build and the platform. For example, <OBJ-DIR> for a debug build of NSS on the x86 platform with a Linux kernel version 2.6 with glibc would be: Linux2.6_x86_glibc_PTH_DBG.OBJ

From these directories, you can copy the files to any system (or other) directory. If the destination directories are not what’s standard for the system (e.g. /usr/include, /usr/lib and /usr/bin for a Linux system), you need to edit the corresponding environment variables or compiler/linker arguments.