/* Example code to illustrate DES enccryption/decryption using NSS.
* The example skips the details of obtaining the Key & IV to use, and
* just uses a hardcoded Key & IV.
* Note: IV is only needed if Cipher Blocking Chaining (CBC) mode of encryption
* is used
* The recommended approach is to store and transport WRAPPED (encrypted)
* DES Keys (IVs can be in the clear). However, it is a common (and dangerous)
* practice to use raw DES Keys. This example shows the use of a RAW key.
#include "nss.h"
#include "pk11pub.h"
/* example Key & IV */
unsigned char gKey[] = {0xe8, 0xa7, 0x7c, 0xe2, 0x05, 0x63, 0x6a, 0x31};
unsigned char gIV[] = {0xe4, 0xbb, 0x3b, 0xd3, 0xc3, 0x71, 0x2e, 0x58};
int main(int argc, char **argv)
PK11SlotInfo* slot = NULL;
PK11SymKey* SymKey = NULL;
SECItem* SecParam = NULL;
PK11Context* EncContext = NULL;
SECItem keyItem, ivItem;
SECStatus rv, rv1, rv2;
unsigned char data[1024], buf1[1024], buf2[1024];
int i, result_len, tmp1_outlen, tmp2_outlen;
/* Initialize NSS
* If your application code has already initialized NSS, you can skip it
* here.
* This code uses the simplest of the Init functions, which does not
* require a NSS database to exist
rv = NSS_NoDB_Init(".");
if (rv != SECSuccess)
fprintf(stderr, "NSS initialization failed (err %d)\n",
goto out;
/* choose mechanism: CKM_DES_CBC_PAD, CKM_DES3_ECB, CKM_DES3_CBC.....
* Note that some mechanisms (*_PAD) imply the padding is handled for you
* by NSS. If you choose something else, then data padding is the
* application's responsibility
cipherMech = CKM_DES_CBC_PAD;
slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(cipherMech, NULL);
/* slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(); is a simpler alternative but in
* theory, it *may not* return the optimal slot for the operation. For
* DES ops, Internal slot is typically the best slot
if (slot == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find security device (err %d)\n",
goto out;
/* NSS passes blobs around as SECItems. These contain a pointer to
* data and a length. Turn the raw key into a SECItem. */
keyItem.type = siBuffer;
keyItem.data = gKey;
keyItem.len = sizeof(gKey);
/* Turn the raw key into a key object. We use PK11_OriginUnwrap
* to indicate the key was unwrapped - which is what should be done
* normally anyway - using raw keys isn't a good idea */
SymKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, cipherMech, PK11_OriginUnwrap, CKA_ENCRYPT,
&keyItem, NULL);
if (SymKey == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Failure to import key into NSS (err %d)\n",
goto out;
/* set up the PKCS11 encryption parameters.
* when not using CBC mode, ivItem.data and ivItem.len can be 0, or you
* can simply pass NULL for the iv parameter in PK11_ParamFromIV func
ivItem.type = siBuffer;
ivItem.data = gIV;
ivItem.len = sizeof(gIV);
SecParam = PK11_ParamFromIV(cipherMech, &ivItem);
if (SecParam == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Failure to set up PKCS11 param (err %d)\n",
goto out;
/* sample data we'll encrypt and decrypt */
strcpy(data, "Encrypt me!");
fprintf(stderr, "Clear Data: %s\n", data);
/* ========================= START SECTION ============================= */
/* If using the same key and iv over and over, stuff before this */
/* section and after this section needs to be done only ONCE */
/* ENCRYPT data into buf1. buf1 len must be atleast (data len + 8) */
tmp1_outlen = tmp2_outlen = 0;
/* Create cipher context */
EncContext = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cipherMech, CKA_ENCRYPT,
SymKey, SecParam);
rv1 = PK11_CipherOp(EncContext, buf1, &tmp1_outlen, sizeof(buf1),
data, strlen(data)+1);
rv2 = PK11_DigestFinal(EncContext, buf1+tmp1_outlen, &tmp2_outlen,
PK11_DestroyContext(EncContext, PR_TRUE);
result_len = tmp1_outlen + tmp2_outlen;
if (rv1 != SECSuccess || rv2 != SECSuccess)
goto out;
fprintf(stderr, "Encrypted Data: ");
for (i=0; i<result_len; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", buf1[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
/* DECRYPT buf1 into buf2. buf2 len must be atleast buf1 len */
tmp1_outlen = tmp2_outlen = 0;
/* Create cipher context */
EncContext = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cipherMech, CKA_DECRYPT,
SymKey, SecParam);
rv1 = PK11_CipherOp(EncContext, buf2, &tmp1_outlen, sizeof(buf2),
buf1, result_len);
rv2 = PK11_DigestFinal(EncContext, buf2+tmp1_outlen, &tmp2_outlen,
PK11_DestroyContext(EncContext, PR_TRUE);
result_len = tmp1_outlen + tmp2_outlen;
if (rv1 != SECSuccess || rv2 != SECSuccess)
goto out;
fprintf(stderr, "Decrypted Data: %s\n", buf2);
/* =========================== END SECTION ============================= */
if (SymKey)
if (SecParam)
SECITEM_FreeItem(SecParam, PR_TRUE);