Enc Dec MAC Using Key Wrap CertReq PKCS10 CSR

NSS Sample Code 6: Encryption/Decryption and MAC and output Public as a PKCS 11 CSR.

Generates encryption/mac keys and outputs public key as pkcs11 certificate signing request

 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

/* NSPR Headers */
 #include <prthread.h>
 #include <plgetopt.h>
 #include <prerror.h>
 #include <prinit.h>
 #include <prlog.h>
 #include <prtypes.h>
 #include <plstr.h>

/* NSS headers */
 #include <keyhi.h>
 #include <pk11priv.h>

/* our samples utilities */
 #include "util.h"

/* Constants */
 #define BLOCKSIZE             32
 #define MODBLOCKSIZE          128
 #define DEFAULT_KEY_BITS      1024

/* Header file Constants */
 #define ENCKEY_HEADER         "-----BEGIN WRAPPED ENCKEY-----"
 #define ENCKEY_TRAILER        "-----END WRAPPED ENCKEY-----"
 #define MACKEY_HEADER         "-----BEGIN WRAPPED MACKEY-----"
 #define MACKEY_TRAILER        "-----END WRAPPED MACKEY-----"
 #define IV_HEADER             "-----BEGIN IV-----"
 #define IV_TRAILER            "-----END IV-----"
 #define MAC_HEADER            "-----BEGIN MAC-----"
 #define MAC_TRAILER           "-----END MAC-----"
 #define PAD_HEADER            "-----BEGIN PAD-----"
 #define PAD_TRAILER           "-----END PAD-----"
 #define LAB_HEADER            "-----BEGIN KEY LABEL-----"
 #define LAB_TRAILER           "-----END KEY LABEL-----"
 #define PUBKEY_HEADER         "-----BEGIN PUB KEY -----"
 #define PUBKEY_TRAILER        "-----END PUB KEY -----"
 #define NS_SIG_HEADER         "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----"
 #define NS_SIG_TRAILER        "-----END SIGNATURE-----"
 #define NS_CERT_HEADER        "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"
 #define NS_CERT_TRAILER       "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

/* sample 6 commands */
 typedef enum {
 } CommandType;

typedef enum {
    SYMKEY = 0,
    MACKEY = 1,
    IV     = 2,
    MAC    = 3,
    PAD    = 4,
    PUBKEY = 5,
    LAB    = 6,
    CERTENC= 7,
    CERTVFY= 8,
    SIG    = 9
 } HeaderType;

  * Print usage message and exit
 static void
 Usage(const char *progName)
     fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n\n",
             " -<G|A|H|E|DS|V> -d <dbdirpath> ",
             "[-p <dbpwd> | -f <dbpwdfile>] [-z <noisefilename>] [-a <\"\">]",
             "-s <subject> -r <csr> | ",
             "-n <nickName> -t <trust> -c <cert> [ -r <csr> -u <issuerNickname> [-x <\"\">] -m <serialNumber> ] | ",
             "-n <nickName> -b <headerfilename> | ",
             "-b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> -e <encryptfilename> | ",
             "-b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> | ",
             "-b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> | ",
             "-b <headerfilename> -e <encryptfilename> -o <opfilename> \n");
     fprintf(stderr, "commands:\n\n");
     fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --for generating cert request (for CA also)\n\n",
              progName, "-G -s <subject> -r <csr>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --to input and store cert (for CA also)\n\n",
              progName, "-A -n <nickName> -t <trust> -c <cert> [ -r <csr> -u <issuerNickname> [-x <\"\">] -m <serialNumber> ]");
     fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --to put cert in header\n\n",
              progName, "-H -n <nickname> -b <headerfilename> [-v <\"\">]");
     fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --to find public key from cert in header and encrypt\n\n",
              progName, "-E -b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> -e <encryptfilename> ");
     fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --decrypt using corresponding private key \n\n",
              progName, "-D -b <headerfilename> -e <encryptfilename> -o <opfilename>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --Sign using private key \n\n",
              progName, "-S -b <headerfilename> -i <infilename> ");
     fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --Verify using public key \n\n",
              progName, "-V -b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> ");
     fprintf(stderr, "options:\n\n");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - db directory path\n\n",
              "-d <dbdirpath>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - db password [optional]\n\n",
              "-p <dbpwd>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - db password file [optional]\n\n",
              "-f <dbpwdfile>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - noise file name [optional]\n\n",
              "-z <noisefilename>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - input file name\n\n",
              "-i <ipfilename>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - header file name\n\n",
              "-b <headerfilename>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - encrypt file name\n\n",
              "-e <encryptfilename>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - output file name\n\n",
              "-o <opfilename>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - certificate serial number\n\n",
              "-m <serialNumber>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - certificate nickname\n\n",
              "-n <nickname>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - certificate trust\n\n",
              "-t <trustargs>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - certificate issuer nickname\n\n",
              "-u <issuerNickname>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - certificate signing request \n\n",
              "-r <csr>");
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - generate a self-signed cert [optional]\n\n",
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - to enable ascii [optional]\n\n",
     fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - to save certificate to header file as sig verification [optional]\n\n",

  * Validate the options used for Generate CSR command
 static void
 ValidateGenerateCSRCommand(const char *progName,
                            const char *dbdir,
                            CERTName   *subject,
                            const char *subjectStr,
                            const char *certReqFileName)
     PRBool validationFailed = PR_FALSE;
     if (!subject) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -G -d %s -s: improperly formatted name: \"%s\"\n",
                    progName, dbdir, subjectStr);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!certReqFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -G -d %s -s %s -r: certificate request file name not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, subjectStr);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (validationFailed) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s %s \n\n", progName,
                 "-G -d <dbdirpath> -s <subject> -r <csr> \n");

  * Validate the options used for Add Cert to DB command
 static void
 ValidateAddCertToDBCommand(const char *progName,
                            const char *dbdir,
                            const char *nickNameStr,
                            const char *trustStr,
                            const char *certFileName,
                            const char *certReqFileName,
                            const char *issuerNameStr,
                            const char *serialNumberStr,
                            PRBool      selfsign)
     PRBool validationFailed = PR_FALSE;
     if (!nickNameStr) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -A -d %s -n : nick name is missing\n",
                    progName, dbdir);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!trustStr) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -A -d %s -n %s -t: trust flag is missing\n",
                    progName, dbdir, nickNameStr);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!certFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -A -d %s -n %s -t %s -c: certificate file name not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, trustStr, serialNumberStr, certReqFileName);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (PR_Access(certFileName, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_FAILURE) {
         if (!certReqFileName) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -A -d %s -n %s -t %s -c %s -r: certificate file or certificate request file is not found\n",
                        progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, trustStr, certFileName);
             validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
         if (!selfsign && !issuerNameStr) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -A -d %s -n %s -t %s -c %s -r %s -u : issuer name is missing\n",
                        progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, trustStr, certFileName, certReqFileName);
             validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
         if (!serialNumberStr) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -A -d %s -n %s -t %s -c %s -r %s -u %s -m : serial number is missing\n",
                        progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, trustStr, certFileName, certReqFileName, issuerNameStr);
             validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (validationFailed) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s %s \n\n", progName,
                 " -A -d <dbdirpath> -n <nickName> -t <trust> -c <cert> \n");
         fprintf(stderr, "     OR\n");
         fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s %s \n\n", progName,
                 "-A -d <dbdirpath> -n <nickName> -t <trust> -c <cert> -r <csr> -u <issuerNickname> -m <serialNumber> [-x <\"\">] \n");

  * Validate the options used for Save Cert To Header command
 static void
 ValidateSaveCertToHeaderCommand(const char *progName,
                                 const char *dbdir,
                                 const char *nickNameStr,
                                 const char *headerFileName)
     PRBool validationFailed = PR_FALSE;
     if (!nickNameStr) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -S -d %s -n : nick name is missing\n",
                    progName, dbdir);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!headerFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -S -d %s -n %s -b : header file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, nickNameStr);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (validationFailed) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s %s \n\n", progName,
                 "-S -d <dbdirpath> -n <nickname> -b <headerfilename> [-v <\"\">]\n");

  * Validate the options used for Encrypt command
 static void
 ValidateEncryptCommand(const char *progName,
                        const char *dbdir,
                        const char *nickNameStr,
                        const char *headerFileName,
                        const char *inFileName,
                        const char *encryptedFileName)
     PRBool validationFailed = PR_FALSE;
     if (!nickNameStr) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -E -d %s -n : nick name is missing\n",
                    progName, dbdir);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!headerFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -E -d %s -n %s -b : header file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, nickNameStr);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!inFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -E -d %s -n %s -b %s -i : input file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, headerFileName);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!encryptedFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -E -d %s -n %s -b %s -i %s -e : encrypt file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, headerFileName, inFileName);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (validationFailed) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s %s \n\n", progName,
                 "-E -d <dbdirpath> -b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> -e <encryptfilename> -n <nickname> \n");

  * Validate the options used for Sign command
 static void
 ValidateSignCommand(const char *progName,
                        const char *dbdir,
                        const char *nickNameStr,
                        const char *headerFileName,
                        const char *inFileName)
     PRBool validationFailed = PR_FALSE;
     if (!nickNameStr) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -I -d %s -n : nick name is missing\n",
                    progName, dbdir);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!headerFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -I -d %s -n %s -b : header file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, nickNameStr);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!inFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -I -d %s -n %s -b %s -i : input file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, headerFileName);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (validationFailed) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s %s \n\n", progName,
                 "-I -d <dbdirpath> -b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> -n <nickname> \n");

  * Validate the options used for verify command
 static void
 ValidateVerifyCommand(const char *progName,
                        const char *dbdir,
                        const char *headerFileName,
                        const char *inFileName)
     PRBool validationFailed = PR_FALSE;
     if (!headerFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -V -d %s -b : header file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!inFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -I -d %s -b %s -i : input file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, headerFileName);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (validationFailed) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s %s \n\n", progName,
                 "-I -d <dbdirpath> -b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> \n");

  * Validate the options used for Decrypt command
 static void
 ValidateDecryptCommand(const char *progName,
                        const char *dbdir,
                        const char *headerFileName,
                        const char *encryptedFileName,
                        const char *outFileName)
     PRBool validationFailed = PR_FALSE;
     if (!headerFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -D -d %s -b : header file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!encryptedFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -D -d %s -b %s -e : encrypt file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, headerFileName);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (!outFileName) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -D -d %s -b %s -e %s -o : output file name is not found\n",
                    progName, dbdir, headerFileName, encryptedFileName);
         validationFailed = PR_TRUE;
     if (validationFailed) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s %s \n\n", progName,
                 "-D -d <dbdirpath> -b <headerfilename> -e <encryptfilename> -o <opfilename>\n");

  * Sign the contents of input file using private key and
  * return result as SECItem
 SignData(const char *inFileName, SECKEYPrivateKey *pk, SECItem *res)
     SECStatus     rv         = SECFailure;
     unsigned int  nb;
     unsigned char ibuf[4096];
     PRFileDesc   *inFile     = NULL;
     SGNContext   *sgn        = NULL;

    /*  Open the input file for reading */
     inFile = PR_Open(inFileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
     if (!inFile) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Unable to open \"%s\" for reading.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Sign using private key */

    sgn = SGN_NewContext(SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION, pk);
     if (!sgn) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to create context for signing\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    rv = SGN_Begin(sgn);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "problem while SGN_Begin\n");
         goto cleanup;
     while ((nb = PR_Read(inFile, ibuf, sizeof(ibuf))) > 0) {
         rv = SGN_Update(sgn, ibuf, nb);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "problem while SGN_Update\n");
             goto cleanup;
     rv = SGN_End(sgn, res);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "problem while SGN_End\n");
         goto cleanup;
     if (inFile) {
     if (sgn) {
         SGN_DestroyContext(sgn, PR_TRUE);
     return rv;

  * Verify the signature using public key
 VerifyData(const char *inFileName, SECKEYPublicKey *pk,
            SECItem *sigItem, secuPWData *pwdata)
     unsigned int  nb;
     unsigned char ibuf[4096];
     SECStatus     rv     = SECFailure;
     VFYContext   *vfy    = NULL;
     PRFileDesc   *inFile = NULL;

    /*  Open the input file for reading */
     inFile = PR_Open(inFileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
     if (!inFile) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Unable to open \"%s\" for reading.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    vfy = VFY_CreateContext(pk,
     if (!vfy) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to create context for verifying signature\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     rv = VFY_Begin(vfy);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "problem while VFY_Begin\n");
         goto cleanup;
     while ((nb = PR_Read(inFile, ibuf, sizeof(ibuf))) > 0) {
         rv = VFY_Update(vfy, ibuf, nb);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "problem while VFY_Update\n");
             goto cleanup;
     rv = VFY_End(vfy);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "problem while VFY_End\n");
         goto cleanup;

     if (inFile) {
     if (vfy) {
         VFY_DestroyContext(vfy, PR_TRUE);
     return rv;

  * Write Cryptographic parameters to header file
 WriteToHeaderFile(const char *buf, unsigned int len, HeaderType type,
                   PRFileDesc *outFile)
     SECStatus      rv;
     const char    *header;
     const char    *trailer;

    switch (type) {
     case SYMKEY:
         header = ENCKEY_HEADER;
         trailer = ENCKEY_TRAILER;
     case MACKEY:
         header =  MACKEY_HEADER;
         trailer = MACKEY_TRAILER;
     case IV:
         header = IV_HEADER;
         trailer = IV_TRAILER;
     case MAC:
         header = MAC_HEADER;
         trailer = MAC_TRAILER;
     case PAD:
         header = PAD_HEADER;
         trailer = PAD_TRAILER;
     case PUBKEY:
         header = PUBKEY_HEADER;
         trailer = PUBKEY_TRAILER;
     case CERTENC:
         header  = NS_CERT_ENC_HEADER;
         trailer = NS_CERT_ENC_TRAILER;
     case CERTVFY:
         header  = NS_CERT_VFY_HEADER;
         trailer = NS_CERT_VFY_TRAILER;
     case SIG:
         header  = NS_SIG_HEADER;
         trailer = NS_SIG_TRAILER;
     case LAB:
         header = LAB_HEADER;
         trailer = LAB_TRAILER;
         PR_fprintf(outFile, "%s\n", header);
         PR_fprintf(outFile, "%s\n", buf);
         PR_fprintf(outFile, "%s\n\n", trailer);
         return SECSuccess;
         return SECFailure;

    PR_fprintf(outFile, "%s\n", header);
     PrintAsHex(outFile, buf, len);
     PR_fprintf(outFile, "%s\n\n", trailer);
     return SECSuccess;

  * Read cryptographic parameters from the header file
 ReadFromHeaderFile(const char *fileName, HeaderType type,
                    SECItem *item, PRBool isHexData)
     SECStatus      rv = SECSuccess;
     PRFileDesc*    file = NULL;
     SECItem        filedata;
     SECItem        outbuf;
     unsigned char *nonbody;
     unsigned char *body;
     char          *header;
     char          *trailer;

    outbuf.type = siBuffer;
     file = PR_Open(fileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
     if (!file) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Failed to open %s\n", fileName);
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     switch (type) {
     case PUBKEY:
         header = PUBKEY_HEADER;
         trailer = PUBKEY_TRAILER;
     case SYMKEY:
         header = ENCKEY_HEADER;
         trailer = ENCKEY_TRAILER;
     case MACKEY:
         header = MACKEY_HEADER;
         trailer = MACKEY_TRAILER;
     case IV:
         header = IV_HEADER;
         trailer = IV_TRAILER;
     case MAC:
         header = MAC_HEADER;
         trailer = MAC_TRAILER;
     case PAD:
         header = PAD_HEADER;
         trailer = PAD_TRAILER;
     case LAB:
         header = LAB_HEADER;
         trailer = LAB_TRAILER;
     case CERTENC:
         header  = NS_CERT_ENC_HEADER;
         trailer = NS_CERT_ENC_TRAILER;
     case CERTVFY:
         header  = NS_CERT_VFY_HEADER;
         trailer = NS_CERT_VFY_TRAILER;
     case SIG:
         header  = NS_SIG_HEADER;
         trailer = NS_SIG_TRAILER;
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    rv = FileToItem(&filedata, file);
     nonbody = (char *)filedata.data;
     if (!nonbody) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to read data from input file\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* check for headers and trailers and remove them */
     if ((body = strstr(nonbody, header)) != NULL) {
         char *trail = NULL;
         nonbody = body;
         body = PORT_Strchr(body, '\n');
         if (!body)
             body = PORT_Strchr(nonbody, '\r'); /* maybe this is a MAC file */
         if (body)
             trail = strstr(++body, trailer);
         if (trail != NULL) {
             *trail = '\0';
         } else {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR,  "input has header but no trailer\n");
             rv = SECFailure;
             goto cleanup;
     } else {
         /* headers didn't exist */
         char *trail = NULL;
         body = nonbody;
         if (body) {
             trail = strstr(++body, trailer);
             if (trail != NULL) {
                 PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR,  "input has no header but has trailer\n");
                 rv = SECFailure;
                 goto cleanup;
     HexToBuf(body, item, isHexData);
     if (file) {
     return rv;

  * Generate the private key
 SECKEYPrivateKey *
 GeneratePrivateKey(KeyType keytype, PK11SlotInfo *slot, int size,
                    int publicExponent, const char *noise,
                    SECKEYPublicKey **pubkeyp, const char *pqgFile,
                    secuPWData *pwdata)
     CK_MECHANISM_TYPE  mechanism;
     SECOidTag          algtag;
     PK11RSAGenParams   rsaparams;
     void              *params;
     SECKEYPrivateKey  *privKey    = NULL;
     SECStatus          rv;
     unsigned char      randbuf[BLOCKSIZE + 1];

    rv = GenerateRandom(randbuf, BLOCKSIZE);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Error while generating the random numbers : %s\n",
         goto cleanup;
     PK11_RandomUpdate(randbuf, BLOCKSIZE);
     switch (keytype) {
         case rsaKey:
             rsaparams.keySizeInBits = size;
             rsaparams.pe            = publicExponent;
             mechanism               = CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN;
             algtag                  = SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
             params                  = &rsaparams;
             goto cleanup;
     fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
     fprintf(stderr, "Generating key.  This may take a few moments...\n\n");
     privKey = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, mechanism, params, pubkeyp,
                                        PR_TRUE /*isPerm*/, PR_TRUE /*isSensitive*/,
     return privKey;

  * Get the certificate request from CSR
 static CERTCertificateRequest *
 GetCertRequest(char *inFileName, PRBool ascii)
     CERTSignedData signedData;
     SECItem reqDER;
     CERTCertificateRequest *certReq = NULL;
     SECStatus rv                    = SECSuccess;
     PRArenaPool *arena              = NULL;

    reqDER.data = NULL;
     arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
     if (arena == NULL) {
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    rv = ReadDERFromFile(&reqDER, inFileName, ascii);
     if (rv) {
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     certReq = (CERTCertificateRequest*) PORT_ArenaZAlloc
                (arena, sizeof(CERTCertificateRequest));
     if (!certReq) {
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     certReq->arena = arena;

    /* Since cert request is a signed data, must decode to get the inner data */
     PORT_Memset(&signedData, 0, sizeof(signedData));
     rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &signedData,
                             SEC_ASN1_GET(CERT_SignedDataTemplate), &reqDER);
     if (rv) {
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, certReq,
                             SEC_ASN1_GET(CERT_CertificateRequestTemplate), &signedData.data);
     if (rv) {
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     rv = CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKeyInfo(&signedData,
                 &certReq->subjectPublicKeyInfo, NULL /* wincx */);
     if (reqDER.data) {
         SECITEM_FreeItem(&reqDER, PR_FALSE);

     if (rv) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "bad certificate request\n");
         if (arena) {
             PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
         certReq = NULL;
     return certReq;

  * Sign Cert
 static SECItem *
 SignCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
          PRBool selfsign, SECOidTag hashAlgTag,
          SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, char *issuerNickName, void *pwarg)
     SECItem der;
     SECStatus rv;
     SECOidTag algID;
     void *dummy;
     PRArenaPool *arena             = NULL;
     SECItem *result                = NULL;
     SECKEYPrivateKey *caPrivateKey = NULL;

    if (!selfsign) {
         CERTCertificate *issuer = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(issuerNickName, pwarg);
         if ((CERTCertificate *)NULL == issuer) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to find issuer with nickname %s\n",
             goto cleanup;
         privKey = caPrivateKey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(issuer, pwarg);
         if (caPrivateKey == NULL) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to retrieve key  %s\n",
             goto cleanup;
     arena = cert->arena;
     algID = SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(privKey->keyType, hashAlgTag);
     if (algID == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Unknown key or hash type for issuer.\n");
         goto cleanup;
     rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &cert->signature, algID, 0);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not set signature algorithm id.\n%s\n",
         goto cleanup;

    /* we only deal with cert v3 here */
     *(cert->version.data) = 2;
     cert->version.len = 1;

    der.len = 0;
     der.data = NULL;
     dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (arena, &der, cert,
     if (!dummy) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not encode certificate.\n");
         goto cleanup;

    result = (SECItem *) PORT_ArenaZAlloc (arena, sizeof (SECItem));
     if (result == NULL) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not allocate item for certificate data.\n");
         goto cleanup;

    rv = SEC_DerSignData(arena, result, der.data, der.len, privKey, algID);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not sign encoded certificate data : %s\n",
         /* result allocated out of the arena, it will be freed
          * when the arena is freed */
         result = NULL;
         goto cleanup;
     cert->derCert = *result;
     if (caPrivateKey) {
     return result;

  * MakeV1Cert
 static CERTCertificate *
 MakeV1Cert(CERTCertDBHandle       *handle,
            CERTCertificateRequest *req,
            char *                  issuerNickName,
            PRBool                  selfsign,
            unsigned int            serialNumber,
            int                     warpmonths,
            int                     validityMonths)
     PRExplodedTime  printableTime;
     PRTime          now;
     PRTime          after;
     CERTValidity    *validity   = NULL;
     CERTCertificate *issuerCert = NULL;
     CERTCertificate *cert       = NULL;

    if ( !selfsign ) {
         issuerCert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(handle, issuerNickName);
         if (!issuerCert) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not find certificate named %s\n",
             goto cleanup;

    now = PR_Now();
     PR_ExplodeTime (now, PR_GMTParameters, &printableTime);
     if ( warpmonths ) {
         printableTime.tm_month += warpmonths;
         now = PR_ImplodeTime (&printableTime);
         PR_ExplodeTime (now, PR_GMTParameters, &printableTime);
     printableTime.tm_month += validityMonths;
     after = PR_ImplodeTime (&printableTime);

    /* note that the time is now in micro-second unit */
     validity = CERT_CreateValidity (now, after);
     if (validity) {
         cert = CERT_CreateCertificate(serialNumber,
                      (selfsign ? &req->subject : &issuerCert->subject),
                      validity, req);

     if ( issuerCert ) {
         CERT_DestroyCertificate (issuerCert);
     return cert;

  * Add a certificate to the nss database
 AddCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
         const char *name, char *trusts, char *inFileName,
         PRBool ascii, PRBool emailcert, void *pwdata)
     SECItem         certDER;
     SECStatus       rv;
     CERTCertTrust   *trust = NULL;
     CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;

    certDER.data = NULL;

    /* Read in the entire file specified with the -i argument */
     rv = ReadDERFromFile(&certDER, inFileName, ascii);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to read input file %s : %s\n",
                    inFileName, PORT_ErrorToString(rv));
         goto cleanup;

    /* Read in an ASCII cert and return a CERTCertificate */
     cert = CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage((char *)certDER.data, certDER.len);
     if (!cert) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not obtain certificate from file\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Create a cert trust */
     trust = (CERTCertTrust *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
     if (!trust) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to allocate cert trust\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    rv = CERT_DecodeTrustString(trust, trusts);
     if (rv) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to decode trust string\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    rv =  PK11_ImportCert(slot, cert, CK_INVALID_HANDLE, name, PR_FALSE);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         /* sigh, PK11_Import Cert and CERT_ChangeCertTrust should have
          * been coded to take a password arg. */
         if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_LOGGED_IN) {
             rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, pwdata);
             if (rv != SECSuccess) {
                 PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not authenticate to token  %s : %s\n",
                            PK11_GetTokenName(slot), PORT_ErrorToString(rv));
                 rv = SECFailure;
                 goto cleanup;
             rv = PK11_ImportCert(slot, cert, CK_INVALID_HANDLE,
                                  name, PR_FALSE);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
                        "could not add certificate to token or database : %s\n",
             rv = SECFailure;
             goto cleanup;
     rv = CERT_ChangeCertTrust(handle, cert, trust);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_LOGGED_IN) {
             rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, pwdata);
             if (rv != SECSuccess) {
                 PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not authenticate to token  %s : %s\n",
                            PK11_GetTokenName(slot), PORT_ErrorToString(rv));
                 rv = SECFailure;
                 goto cleanup;
             rv = CERT_ChangeCertTrust(handle, cert, trust);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not change trust on certificate : %s\n",
             rv = SECFailure;
             goto cleanup;

    if (emailcert) {
         CERT_SaveSMimeProfile(cert, NULL, pwdata);

     if (cert) {
         CERT_DestroyCertificate (cert);
     if (trust) {
     if (certDER.data) {
     return rv;

  * Create a certificate
 static SECStatus
         CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
         PK11SlotInfo *slot,
         char *  issuerNickName,
         char *inFileName,
         char *outFileName,
         SECKEYPrivateKey **selfsignprivkey,
         void    *pwarg,
         SECOidTag hashAlgTag,
         unsigned int serialNumber,
         int     warpmonths,
         int     validityMonths,
         const char *dnsNames,
         PRBool  ascii,
         PRBool  selfsign)
     void                   *extHandle;
     SECItem                reqDER;
     CERTCertExtension      **CRexts;
     SECStatus              rv               = SECSuccess;
     CERTCertificate        *subjectCert     = NULL;
     CERTCertificateRequest *certReq         = NULL;
     PRFileDesc             *outFile         = NULL;
     SECItem                *certDER         = NULL;

    reqDER.data = NULL;
     outFile = PR_Open(outFileName,
                       PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE, 00660);

    /* Create a cert request object from the input cert request der */
     certReq = GetCertRequest(inFileName, ascii);
     if (certReq == NULL) {
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     subjectCert = MakeV1Cert(handle, certReq, issuerNickName, selfsign,
                              serialNumber, warpmonths, validityMonths);
     if (subjectCert == NULL) {
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    extHandle = CERT_StartCertExtensions (subjectCert);
     if (extHandle == NULL) {
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    if (certReq->attributes != NULL &&
         certReq->attributes[0] != NULL &&
         certReq->attributes[0]->attrType.data != NULL &&
         certReq->attributes[0]->attrType.len   > 0    &&
                 == SEC_OID_PKCS9_EXTENSION_REQUEST) {
         rv = CERT_GetCertificateRequestExtensions(certReq, &CRexts);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s\n", PORT_ErrorToString(rv));
             goto cleanup;
         rv = CERT_MergeExtensions(extHandle, CRexts);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s\n", PORT_ErrorToString(rv));
             goto cleanup;


    /* self-signing a cert request, find the private key */
     if (*selfsignprivkey == NULL) {
         *selfsignprivkey = PK11_FindKeyByDERCert(slot, subjectCert, pwarg);
         if (!*selfsignprivkey) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Failed to locate private key.\n");
             rv = SECFailure;
             goto cleanup;

    certDER = SignCert(handle, subjectCert, selfsign, hashAlgTag,
                        *selfsignprivkey, issuerNickName,pwarg);
     if (certDER) {
         if (ascii) {
             PR_fprintf(outFile, "%s\n%s\n%s\n", NS_CERT_HEADER,
                        BTOA_DataToAscii(certDER->data, certDER->len),
         } else {
             PR_Write(outFile, certDER->data, certDER->len);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PRErrorCode  perr = PR_GetError();
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to create cert %s\n",
     if (outFile) {
     if (*selfsignprivkey) {
     if (certReq) {
     if (subjectCert) {
     return rv;

  *  Generate the certificate request with subject
 static SECStatus
 CertReq(SECKEYPrivateKey *privk, SECKEYPublicKey *pubk, KeyType keyType,
         SECOidTag hashAlgTag, CERTName *subject, PRBool ascii,
         const char *certReqFileName)
     SECOidTag                 signAlgTag;
     SECItem                   result;
     PRInt32                   numBytes;
     SECStatus                 rv            = SECSuccess;
     PRArenaPool              *arena         = NULL;
     void                     *extHandle     = NULL;
     PRFileDesc               *outFile       = NULL;
     CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki          = NULL;
     CERTCertificateRequest   *cr            = NULL;
     SECItem                  *encoding      = NULL;

    /* If the certificate request file already exists, delete it */
     if (PR_Access(certReqFileName, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_SUCCESS) {
     /*  Open the certificate request file to write */
     outFile = PR_Open(certReqFileName, PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_RDWR | PR_TRUNCATE, 00660);
     if (!outFile) {
                    "unable to open \"%s\" for writing (%ld, %ld).\n",
                    certReqFileName, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
         goto cleanup;
     /* Create info about public key */
     spki = SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(pubk);
     if (!spki) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to create subject public key\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Generate certificate request */
     cr = CERT_CreateCertificateRequest(subject, spki, NULL);
     if (!cr) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to make certificate request\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

     arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
     if (!arena) {
         fprintf(stderr, "out of memory");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    extHandle = CERT_StartCertificateRequestAttributes(cr);
     if (extHandle == NULL) {
         PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;


     /* Der encode the request */
     encoding = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, NULL, cr,
     if (encoding == NULL) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "der encoding of request failed\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Sign the request */
     signAlgTag = SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(keyType, hashAlgTag);
     if (signAlgTag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unknown Key or Hash type\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
     goto cleanup;
     rv = SEC_DerSignData(arena, &result, encoding->data, encoding->len,
                          privk, signAlgTag);
     if (rv) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "signing of data failed\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Encode request in specified format */
     if (ascii) {
         char *obuf;
         char *name, *email, *org, *state, *country;
         SECItem *it;
         int total;

        it = &result;

        obuf = BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii(it);
         total = PL_strlen(obuf);

        name = CERT_GetCommonName(subject);
         if (!name) {
             name = strdup("(not specified)");

        email = CERT_GetCertEmailAddress(subject);
         if (!email)
             email = strdup("(not specified)");

        org = CERT_GetOrgName(subject);
         if (!org)
             org = strdup("(not specified)");

        state = CERT_GetStateName(subject);
         if (!state)
             state = strdup("(not specified)");

        country = CERT_GetCountryName(subject);
         if (!country)
             country = strdup("(not specified)");

                    "\nCertificate request generated by Netscape certutil\n");
         PR_fprintf(outFile, "Common Name: %s\n", name);
         PR_fprintf(outFile, "Email: %s\n", email);
         PR_fprintf(outFile, "Organization: %s\n", org);
         PR_fprintf(outFile, "State: %s\n", state);
         PR_fprintf(outFile, "Country: %s\n\n", country);

        PR_fprintf(outFile, "%s\n", NS_CERTREQ_HEADER);
         numBytes = PR_Write(outFile, obuf, total);
         if (numBytes != total) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "write error\n");
             return SECFailure;
         PR_fprintf(outFile, "\n%s\n", NS_CERTREQ_TRAILER);
     } else {
         numBytes = PR_Write(outFile, result.data, result.len);
         if (numBytes != (int)result.len) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "write error\n");
             rv = SECFailure;
             goto cleanup;
     if (outFile) {
     if (privk) {
     if (pubk) {
     return rv;

  * Create certificate request with subject
 SECStatus CreateCertRequest(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
     secuPWData   *pwdata,
     CERTName     *subject,
     char   *certReqFileName,
     PRBool       ascii)
     SECStatus rv;
     SECKEYPrivateKey    *privkey         = NULL;
     SECKEYPublicKey     *pubkey          = NULL;
     KeyType             keytype          = rsaKey;
     int                 keysize          = DEFAULT_KEY_BITS;
     int                 publicExponent   = 0x010001;
     SECOidTag           hashAlgTag       = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;

    privkey = GeneratePrivateKey(keytype, slot, keysize,
                                  publicExponent, NULL,
                                  &pubkey, NULL, pwdata);
     if (privkey == NULL) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "unable to generate key(s)\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     privkey->wincx = pwdata;
     PORT_Assert(pubkey != NULL);
     rv = CertReq(privkey, pubkey, keytype, hashAlgTag, subject,
                  ascii, certReqFileName);

     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Failed to create Certificate Request\n");
     return rv;

  * Creates the certificate using CSR and adds the certificate to DB
 SECStatus AddCertificateToDB(PK11SlotInfo     *slot,
                              secuPWData       *pwdata,
                              char             *certReqFileName,
                              char             *certFileName,
                              char             *issuerNameStr,
                              CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle,
                              const char       *nickNameStr,
                              char             *trustStr,
                              unsigned int     serialNumber,
                              PRBool           selfsign,
                              PRBool           ascii)
     SECStatus rv;
     SECKEYPrivateKey    *privkey         = NULL;
     SECKEYPublicKey     *pubkey          = NULL;
     SECOidTag           hashAlgTag       = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;

    if (PR_Access(certFileName, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_FAILURE) {
         rv = CreateCert(certHandle, slot, issuerNameStr,
                         certReqFileName, certFileName, &privkey, &pwdata, hashAlgTag,
                         serialNumber, 0, 3, NULL, ascii, selfsign);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Failed to create Certificate\n");
             goto cleanup;
     rv = AddCert(slot, certHandle, nickNameStr,
                  trustStr, certFileName, ascii, 0, &pwdata);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Failed to add Certificate\n");
     return rv;

  * Finds the certificate using nickname and saves it to the header file
 SECStatus AddCertificateToHeader(PK11SlotInfo     *slot,
                                  secuPWData       *pwdata,
                                  const char       *headerFileName,
                                  CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle,
                                  const char       *nickNameStr,
                                  PRBool           sigVerify)

     SECStatus            rv              = SECSuccess;
     PRFileDesc          *headerFile      = NULL;
     CERTCertificate     *cert            = NULL;
     HeaderType           hType           = CERTENC;

    /* If the intermediate header file already exists, delete it */
     if (PR_Access(headerFileName, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_SUCCESS) {
     headerFile = PR_Open(headerFileName, PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_RDWR | PR_TRUNCATE, 00660);
     if (!headerFile) {
         "unable to open \"%s\" for writing (%ld, %ld).\n",
         headerFileName, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     cert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(certHandle, nickNameStr);
     if (!cert) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not obtain certificate from file\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     if (sigVerify) {
         hType = CERTVFY;
     WriteToHeaderFile(cert->derCert.data, cert->derCert.len, hType, headerFile);
     if (headerFile) {
     if (cert) {
     return rv;

  * Finds the public key from the certificate saved in the header file
  * and encrypts with it the contents of inFileName to encryptedFileName.
 SECStatus FindKeyAndEncrypt(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
                             secuPWData *pwdata,
                             const char *headerFileName,
                             const char *encryptedFileName,
                             const char *inFileName)
     SECStatus           rv;
     PRFileDesc          *headerFile      = NULL;
     PRFileDesc          *encFile         = NULL;
     PRFileDesc          *inFile          = NULL;
     CERTCertificate     *cert            = NULL;
     SECItem             data;
     unsigned char       ptext[MODBLOCKSIZE];
     unsigned char       encBuf[MODBLOCKSIZE];
     unsigned int        ptextLen;
     int                 index;
     unsigned int        nWritten;
     unsigned int        pad[1];
     SECItem             padItem;
     unsigned int        paddingLength    = 0;
     SECKEYPublicKey     *pubkey          = NULL;

    /* If the intermediate encrypted file already exists, delete it*/
     if (PR_Access(encryptedFileName, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_SUCCESS) {

    /* Read certificate from header file */
     rv = ReadFromHeaderFile(headerFileName, CERTENC, &data, PR_TRUE);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not read certificate from header file\n");
         goto cleanup;
     /* Read in an ASCII cert and return a CERTCertificate */
     cert = CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage((char *)data.data, data.len);
     if (!cert) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not obtain certificate from file\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     /* Extract the public key from certificate */
     pubkey = CERT_ExtractPublicKey(cert);
     if (!pubkey) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not get key from certificate\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /*  Open the encrypted file for writing */
     encFile = PR_Open(encryptedFileName,
                       PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE | PR_RDWR, 00660);
     if (!encFile) {
                    "Unable to open \"%s\" for writing.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /*  Open the input file for reading */
     inFile = PR_Open(inFileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
     if (!inFile) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Unable to open \"%s\" for reading.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /*  Open the header file to write padding */
     headerFile = PR_Open(headerFileName, PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_RDWR | PR_APPEND, 00660);
     if (!headerFile) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Unable to open \"%s\" for writing.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

     /* Read input file  */
     while ((ptextLen = PR_Read(inFile, ptext, sizeof(ptext))) > 0) {
         if (ptextLen != MODBLOCKSIZE) {
             paddingLength = MODBLOCKSIZE - ptextLen;
             for ( index=0; index < paddingLength; index++) {
                 ptext[ptextLen+index] = (unsigned char)paddingLength;
             ptextLen = MODBLOCKSIZE;
          rv = PK11_PubEncryptRaw(pubkey, encBuf, ptext, ptextLen, NULL);
          nWritten = PR_Write(encFile, encBuf, ptextLen);

    /* Write the padding to header file */
     pad[0] = paddingLength;
     padItem.type = siBuffer;
     padItem.data = (unsigned char *)pad;
     padItem.len  = sizeof(pad[0]);
     WriteToHeaderFile(padItem.data, padItem.len, PAD, headerFile);

     if (headerFile) {
     if (encFile) {
     if (inFile) {
     if (pubkey) {
     if (cert) {
     return rv;

  * Finds the private key from db and signs the contents
  * of inFileName and writes to signatureFileName
 SECStatus FindKeyAndSign(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
                          CERTCertDBHandle* certHandle,
                          secuPWData *pwdata,
                          const char *nickNameStr,
                          const char *headerFileName,
                          const char *inFileName)
     SECStatus           rv;
     PRFileDesc          *headerFile      = NULL;
     PRFileDesc          *inFile          = NULL;
     CERTCertificate     *cert            = NULL;
     unsigned int        signatureLen     = 0;
     SECKEYPrivateKey    *privkey         = NULL;
     SECItem             sigItem;
     SECOidTag           hashOIDTag;

     /*  Open the header file to write padding */
     headerFile = PR_Open(headerFileName, PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_RDWR | PR_APPEND, 00660);
     if (!headerFile) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Unable to open \"%s\" for writing.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Get the certificate by nick name  and write to header file */
     cert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(certHandle, nickNameStr);
     if (!cert) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not obtain certificate by name - %s\n", nickNameStr);
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     WriteToHeaderFile(cert->derCert.data, cert->derCert.len, CERTVFY, headerFile);

     /* Find private key from certificate  */
     privkey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(cert, NULL);
     if (privkey == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find private key for cert\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

     /* Sign the contents of the input file */
     rv = SignData(inFileName, privkey, &sigItem);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not sign the contents from file - %s \n", inFileName);
         goto cleanup;

    /* write signature to header file */
     WriteToHeaderFile(sigItem.data, sigItem.len, SIG, headerFile);

     if (headerFile) {
     if (privkey) {
     if (cert) {
     return rv;

  * Finds the public key from certificate and verifies signature
 SECStatus FindKeyAndVerify(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
                          CERTCertDBHandle* certHandle,
                          secuPWData *pwdata,
                          const char *headerFileName,
                          const char *inFileName)
     SECStatus           rv               = SECFailure;
     PRFileDesc          *headerFile      = NULL;
     PRFileDesc          *inFile          = NULL;
     CERTCertificate     *cert            = NULL;
     SECKEYPublicKey     *pubkey          = NULL;
     SECItem             sigItem;
     SECItem             certData;

    /* Open the input file  */
     inFile = PR_Open(inFileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
     if (!inFile) {
                    "Unable to open \"%s\" for reading.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Open the header file to read the certificate and signature */
     headerFile = PR_Open(headerFileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
     if (!headerFile) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Unable to open \"%s\" for writing.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Read certificate from header file */
     rv = ReadFromHeaderFile(headerFileName, CERTVFY, &certData, PR_TRUE);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not read certificate from header file\n");
         goto cleanup;

    /* Read in an ASCII cert and return a CERTCertificate */
     cert = CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage((char *)certData.data, certData.len);
     if (!cert) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not obtain certificate from file\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Extract the public key from certificate */
     pubkey = CERT_ExtractPublicKey(cert);
     if (!pubkey) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not get key from certificate\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Read signature from header file */
     rv = ReadFromHeaderFile(headerFileName, SIG, &sigItem, PR_TRUE);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not read signature from header file\n");
         goto cleanup;

     /* Verify with the public key */
     rv = VerifyData(inFileName, pubkey, &sigItem, pwdata);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Couldn't verify the signature for file - %s\n", inFileName);
         goto cleanup;

     if (headerFile) {
     if (pubkey) {
     if (cert) {
     return rv;

  * Finds the private key corresponding to the certificate saved in the header file
  * and decrypts with it the contents of encryptedFileName to outFileName.
 SECStatus FindKeyAndDecrypt(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
                             secuPWData *pwdata,
                             const char *headerFileName,
                             const char *encryptedFileName,
                             const char *outFileName)
     SECStatus           rv;
     PRFileDesc          *encFile        = NULL;
     PRFileDesc          *outFile        = NULL;
     SECKEYPrivateKey    *pvtkey         = NULL;
     unsigned int        inFileLength    = 0;
     unsigned int        paddingLength   = 0;
     unsigned int        count           = 0;
     unsigned int        temp            = 0;
     unsigned char       ctext[MODBLOCKSIZE];
     unsigned char       decBuf[MODBLOCKSIZE];
     unsigned int        ctextLen;
     unsigned int        decBufLen;
     SECItem             padItem;
     SECItem             data;
     SECItem             signature;
     CERTCertificate     *cert            = NULL;

    /* Read certificate from header file */
     rv = ReadFromHeaderFile(headerFileName, CERTENC, &data, PR_TRUE);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not read certificate from header file\n");
         goto cleanup;

    /* Read padding from header file */
     rv = ReadFromHeaderFile(headerFileName, PAD, &padItem, PR_TRUE);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
                 "Could not retrieve PAD detail from header file\n");
         goto cleanup;
     paddingLength = (unsigned int)padItem.data[0];
     inFileLength = FileSize(encryptedFileName);

    /* Read in an ASCII cert and return a CERTCertificate */
     cert = CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage((char *)data.data, data.len);
     if (!cert) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "could not obtain certificate from file\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Find private key from certificate  */
     pvtkey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(cert, NULL);
     if (pvtkey == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find private key for cert\n");
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;

    /* Open the out file to write */
     outFile = PR_Open(outFileName,
                       PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE | PR_RDWR, 00660);
     if (!outFile) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Unable to open \"%s\" for writing.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     /* Open the encrypted file for reading */
     encFile = PR_Open(encryptedFileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
     if (!encFile) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Unable to open \"%s\" for reading.\n",
         rv = SECFailure;
         goto cleanup;
     /* Read the encrypt file, decrypt and write to out file */
     while ((ctextLen = PR_Read(encFile, ctext, sizeof(ctext))) > 0) {
         count += ctextLen;
         rv = PK11_PubDecryptRaw(pvtkey, decBuf, &decBufLen, sizeof(decBuf), ctext, ctextLen);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't decrypt\n");
             goto cleanup;
         if (decBufLen == 0) {
         if (count == inFileLength) {
             decBufLen = decBufLen - paddingLength;
         /* write the plain text to out file */
         temp = PR_Write(outFile, decBuf, decBufLen);
         if (temp != decBufLen) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "write error\n");
             rv = SECFailure;
     if (encFile) {
     if (outFile) {
     if (pvtkey) {
     if (cert) {
     return rv;

/* Map option letter to command */
 static CommandType option2Command(char c)
     switch (c) {
     case 'G': return GENERATE_CSR;
     case 'A': return ADD_CERT_TO_DB;
     case 'H': return SAVE_CERT_TO_HEADER;
     case 'E': return ENCRYPT;
     case 'D': return DECRYPT;
     case 'S': return SIGN;
     case 'V': return VERIFY;
     default:  return UNKNOWN;

  * This example illustrates basic encryption/decryption and MACing
  * Generates the RSA key pair as token object and outputs public key as cert request.
  * Reads cert request file and stores certificate in DB.
  * Input, store and trust CA certificate.
  * Write certificate to intermediate header file
  * Extract public key from certificate, encrypts the input file and write to external file.
  * Finds the matching private key, decrypts and write to external file
  * How this sample is different from sample 5 ?
  * 1. As in sample 5, output is a PKCS#10 CSR
  * 2. Input and store a cert in cert DB and also used to input, store and trust CA cert.
  * 3. Like sample 5, but puts cert in header
  * 4. Like sample 5, but finds key matching cert in header
 main(int argc, char **argv)
     SECStatus           rv;
     PLOptState          *optstate;
     PLOptStatus         status;
     PRBool              initialized             = PR_FALSE;

    CommandType         cmd                     = UNKNOWN;
     const char          *dbdir                  = NULL;
     secuPWData          pwdata                  = { PW_NONE, 0 };

    char                *subjectStr             = NULL;
     CERTName            *subject                = 0;

    unsigned int        serialNumber            = 0;
     char                *serialNumberStr        = NULL;
     char                *trustStr               = NULL;
     CERTCertDBHandle    *certHandle;
     const char          *nickNameStr            = NULL;
     char                *issuerNameStr          = NULL;
     PRBool              selfsign                = PR_FALSE;
     PRBool              ascii                   = PR_FALSE;
     PRBool              sigVerify               = PR_FALSE;

     const char          *headerFileName         = NULL;
     const char          *encryptedFileName      = NULL;
     const char          *inFileName             = NULL;
     const char          *outFileName            = NULL;
     char                *certReqFileName        = NULL;
     char                *certFileName           = NULL;
     const char          *noiseFileName          = NULL;
     PK11SlotInfo        *slot                   = NULL;

    char * progName = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
     progName = progName ? progName + 1 : argv[0];

    /* Parse command line arguments */
     optstate = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "GAHEDSVad:i:o:f:p:z:s:r:n:x:m:t:c:u:e:b:v:");
     while ((status = PL_GetNextOpt(optstate)) == PL_OPT_OK) {
         switch (optstate->option) {
         case 'a':
             ascii = PR_TRUE;
         case 'G':   /* Generate a CSR */
         case 'A':   /* Add cert to database */
         case 'H':   /* Save cert to the header file */
         case 'E':   /* Encrypt with public key from cert in header file */
         case 'S':   /* Sign with private key */
         case 'D':   /* Decrypt with the matching private key */
         case 'V':   /* Verify with the matching public key */
             cmd = option2Command(optstate->option);
         case 'd':
             dbdir = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'f':
             pwdata.source = PW_FROMFILE;
             pwdata.data = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'p':
             pwdata.source = PW_PLAINTEXT;
             pwdata.data = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'i':
             inFileName = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'b':
             headerFileName = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'e':
             encryptedFileName = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'o':
             outFileName = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'z':
             noiseFileName = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 's':
             subjectStr  = strdup(optstate->value);
             subject     = CERT_AsciiToName(subjectStr);
         case 'r':
             certReqFileName = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'c':
             certFileName = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'u':
             issuerNameStr = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'n':
             nickNameStr = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'x':
             selfsign = PR_TRUE;
         case 'm':
             serialNumberStr = strdup(optstate->value);
             serialNumber    = atoi(serialNumberStr);
         case 't':
             trustStr = strdup(optstate->value);
         case 'v':
             sigVerify = PR_TRUE;

    if (cmd == UNKNOWN || !dbdir)

    /* Open DB for read/write and authenticate to it */
     initialized = PR_TRUE;
     rv = NSS_InitReadWrite(dbdir);
     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
         PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "NSS_InitReadWrite Failed\n");
         goto cleanup;

     slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
     if (PK11_NeedLogin(slot)) {
         rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, &pwdata);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Could not authenticate to token %s.\n",
             goto cleanup;

    switch (cmd) {
     case GENERATE_CSR:
         ValidateGenerateCSRCommand(progName, dbdir, subject, subjectStr,
         /* Generate a CSR */
         rv = CreateCertRequest(slot, &pwdata, subject,
                                certReqFileName, ascii);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Create Certificate Request: Failed\n");
             goto cleanup;
     case ADD_CERT_TO_DB:
         ValidateAddCertToDBCommand(progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, trustStr,
                                    certFileName, certReqFileName,
                                    issuerNameStr, serialNumberStr, selfsign);
         /* Add cert to database */
         rv = AddCertificateToDB(slot, &pwdata, certReqFileName, certFileName,
                                 issuerNameStr, certHandle, nickNameStr,
                                 trustStr, serialNumber, selfsign, ascii);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Add Certificate to DB: Failed\n");
              goto cleanup;
         ValidateSaveCertToHeaderCommand(progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, headerFileName);
         /* Save cert to the header file */
         rv = AddCertificateToHeader(slot, &pwdata, headerFileName, certHandle, nickNameStr, sigVerify);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Saving Certificate to header: Failed\n");
             goto cleanup;
     case ENCRYPT:
         ValidateEncryptCommand(progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, headerFileName, inFileName, encryptedFileName);
         /* Encrypt with public key from cert in header file */
         rv = FindKeyAndEncrypt(slot, &pwdata, headerFileName, encryptedFileName, inFileName);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Find public key and Encrypt : Failed\n");
             goto cleanup;
     case SIGN:
         ValidateSignCommand(progName, dbdir, nickNameStr, headerFileName, inFileName);
         /* Sign with private key */
         rv = FindKeyAndSign(slot, certHandle, &pwdata, nickNameStr, headerFileName, inFileName);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Find private key and sign : Failed\n");
             goto cleanup;
     case DECRYPT:
         ValidateDecryptCommand(progName, dbdir, headerFileName, encryptedFileName, outFileName);
         /* Decrypt with the matching private key */
         rv = FindKeyAndDecrypt(slot, &pwdata, headerFileName, encryptedFileName, outFileName);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Find private key and Decrypt : Failed\n");
     case VERIFY:
         ValidateVerifyCommand(progName, dbdir, headerFileName, inFileName);
         /* Verify with the matching public key */
         rv = FindKeyAndVerify(slot, certHandle, &pwdata, headerFileName, inFileName);
         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Find public key and verify signature : Failed\n");
             goto cleanup;
     if (slot) {
     if (initialized) {
         SECStatus rvShutdown = NSS_Shutdown();
         if (rvShutdown != SECSuccess) {
             PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Failed : NSS_Shutdown() - %s",
             rv = SECFailure;
     return rv;